Clean North are one of the most active crews in the UK. North, East, South & West, they have been travelling all over the globe. There has been no stopping Clean North, (Bradford Represent!) No opportunity has been missed, the crew has been battling to the max and it’s definitely showing. BC has just flown out to Los Angeles, and is travelling around the USA to train for 1 month and take his breakin to the next level, which in turn will push the crew to new heights. Below is a list of events Clean North has been to in the last 4 months and this does not include all the other things we have been up to within our city.

1. B.Supreme – London, England (Read More)
2. Battle Time – Newport, Wales
3. Dope & Mean – Sheffield, England
4. Mass Appeal, Freestyle Session, United Styles – Boston (Read More)
5. Riot Sessions – Liverpool, England
6. Outbreak – Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
7. Soul Powered – Hull, England
8. Speak to The Streets – Leeds, England
9. Nototious IBE – Herleen, Netherland
10. UDO world street dance championships, Glasgow, Scotland
11. Breakin The Bay – Cardiff, Wales

We have posted our most recent battle below against Soul Mavericks in Cardiff. All battles can be found on the YouTube playlist “Clean North Represent!” There are also some links photos posted from our recent travels. The albums can be viewed on “Facebook” & “Flickr” through the links.